Saturday, December 30, 2006
Two Proud Grandparents
Here is Carys, with her proud grandparents Becky and Bob S-C. The picture was taken with the built-in camera in our iMac, and I see we are looking at the screen instead of at the camera.
(Click the picture to get a larger version.)
More pictures of Carys with her parents here.
I John in 4 languages
I John 5:12
See the rest starting either here or here.
By the way, Online Bible is a free Bible study program, available for both Mac and Windows. The latest beta of the MacOSX version is available here.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Two Proud Marines!
This picture was taken at the U. S. Marine Corps "Birthday Ball" in 1999, in Okinawa, Japan. (She is my daughter) More pictures of this wonderful family here.
Ready, Set, ... Chew!
"SO much has happened this year. On this side of the fire, I am so thankful to have gone through it. (emphasis on "this" side) But through it I have learned to praise in it, and NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING is as precious to me now as my time with Jesus. I still have to kick this body out of bed in the mornings sometimes to get up for prayer and the Word. But NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING is as fulfilling, healing, purpose giving, doubt destroying, encouraging, joy filling, boldness- and strength-giving as the WORD. PUT IT IN YOUR HEART. MEMORIZE IT, QUOTE IT, SAY IT, SPREAD IT...memorize it, quote it, say it, spread it...TO WHOEVER WILL LISTEN, even if that is just you and Jesus.
"Speaking of Jesus, SEE HOW MANY TIMES IN A DAY YOU CAN MENTION HIS NAME TO SOMEONE. Jesus is the WORD, and He said we have to eat the WORD as bread. READY, SET AND ... CHEW!!!
and believes Him who sent Me
has eternal life,
and does not come into judgment,
but has passed out of death into life. (John 5:24)
"So -- get into the WORD." [ Tricia Deaton, in her blog. ]
Monday, November 13, 2006
Doing Things Right
"Well, recently I have been doing some things right, and I think I feel happier, perhaps to those little things. I guess I haven't paid attention to it, but I just realized I am happy. A few simple things can add up." More...
Death in the Womb
"Yes, a human being can be aborted and people will think nothing of it because, after all, it is only a thing. But, now if we took the same action against an animal, we would have broken all kinds of laws and we would receive massive punishment for that action. Now, I am not saying we should be cruel to animals; I just don't see where in the Bible God tells us that animals are valued more than people." More...
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Remember your Creator, Now!
What we see in America today in the delinquency of adults is certainly the fruit of more than a century of Darwinism.
Darwinism directly contradicts the wise injunction of Solomon. Darwinism preaches that we should forget our Creator! The next step is to deny responsibility and judgment. If Chance is ruling the universe and determining the course of our lives, then we had best grab everything we can while we can.
Many of the inner conflicts we and our children have are rooted in our tendency to forget our Creator. His sovereignty and His love, His law and His grace, His justice and His mercy, His power and His glory, His wisdom and His purposes: remembering these will answer to our conflicts.
Remember NOW thy Creator!
More good sense from James Sander-Cederlof
In case your parents never told you, Santa Claus is not real. However, Jesus Christ and His Father are quite real. As we move through the year, let us remember that simple fact.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Some Excellent Essays!
- The Walk When a child asks about the strange way he walks...
- Commercials Thoughts about mis-directed and thoughtless TV commercials.
- Hot Coffee "There is nothing wrong with knowing your child; that is called being a parent. Since when did it become un-cool to have a game that you do not mind your child seeing you play?"
- The Price of Education "It is astonishing how much better home-schooled children behave, act, and think compared to those in the public education system."
- 9/11 Revisited His flight was cancelled, just in time.
- Education, Again "You became involved with your child nine months or so the child was born. Remain involved throughout their life; the education of the child should not stop at some magical age. Only the subject matter should change. Just keep God at the center, and the other things will fall into place."
- Spiritual Leaders "Our leaders should be men of faith."
- Lawyers in Love Afterthoughts from a lawyer's TV commercial.
James also writes poems, and you can read some of them here.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Tampering with Physicians?
It is much the same with respect to our spiritual health and constitution. We do much hurt to it by running after spiritual advice on every occasion, and wanting the help of some human prescription for every fear, scruple or notion that starts up in our minds. This actually weakens the true strength of our spiritual constitution which, if left to itself, would do all that we need to have done.
If it be asked what this soundness of our spiritual constitution is, it may be answered that it is a state or habit of such humble, total resignation of ourselves to God as by faith and hope expects all from Him alone. This is the health and strength of our spiritual constitution, and nothing is health in the soul but this state.
[ William Law, in a letter to Lady Huntingdon, January 10, 1754 ]
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Need to Uncover Need
[Oswald Chambers, in Approved Unto God, The Origin of Our Salvation.]
Friday, July 07, 2006
Were you ever in all your life sorry for your sins?
[George Whitefield, from a sermon titled, "The Method of Grace". Quoted in Whitefield Gold, compiled by Ray Comfort.]
Monday, June 26, 2006
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)
Sunday, June 25, 2006
"Jesus is alive and very truth"
Malcolm Muggeridge, in the Introduction to Jesus Rediscovered
Friday, June 16, 2006
A New Book
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Friday, February 24, 2006
[Paraphrased from this biography]